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Access your personal fundraising Pages and your Fundraising Center. In your Fundraising Center, you can update your fundraising page, change your goals and see your donors. (Please note that you may need to expand your browser windows to see all your personal links.)


Shows iframe with users employer name passed to the matching gift service.

Affiliated Company

User Groups

Shows user groups that contain “*Adandoners” that the user had purchased and is associated with.

User Ticket Groups

Shows user groups that contain “*tickets” that the user had purchased and is associated with.

User Interests

Shows interests the user has been subscribed too.

User Interactions

Shows upcoming nearby events(LO classic module)based on user zip code

Events Nearby

Shows upcoming nearby events(LO classic module)based on user zip code

My Upcoming Events

Shows upcoming teamrasier events that the user has registered for

My Transactions

Shows recurring transactions and link to the LO user center, were the transaction can be cancelled etc